Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dealing with the Challenges of Aging Gracefully

Facial plastic surgeon in NYC and Long Island discusses aging gracefully.
In an article by the New York Times, the question was posed: "How well are you aging by age 50?" They looked at President Obama and how he's changed over the last four years. They went on to explain:
Time, heredity, sunlight, illness, smoking, good fortune and bad — all leave their marks on the face. People make instant judgments about one another’s age, health, mood, personality and character based on facial features, and yet we often judge unconsciously, not fully aware of the cues we’re reading. There’s more — and sometimes less — to aging than jowls, wattles and crow’s-feet.
Since we know that all of the aforementioned factors play a role in how we look as we grow older, how can we halt or reverse these processes so we can look as youthful as possible for as long as possible? The answer is in several age-defying actions we can take now to preserve our face tomorrow.

Genetics: Can You Turn Back the Hands of Time?

Genetics is something we cannot halt or reverse. However, with a poor lifestyle (which includes eating porroyl and not getting enough exercise), aging can progress even more rapidly as our genetic tendency to develop grandma's jowls or mom's saddlebags increases. Through careful lifestyle management, we can truly hold off on "nature running all over our face and body".

Diet and Exercise: Your Fountain of Youth

Eating a well-balanced diet (preferably plant based) along with at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily can make all the difference in how well (or badly) we show our age. Choose anti-oxidant rich fresh fruits and vegetables such as those with deep or bright colors. Leafy greens such as kale and collard greens, red bell peppers, blueberries, and papayas are just some of the many natural foods that can help you look younger as you age.

The way they accomplish this is through their powerful antioxidants. These substances help to fight off and carry away free radicals, which are mutated cells that can cause premature aging in the cells of the body, including those in the skin. With a healthy diet rich in these types of foods, beauty is more than skin deep.

Environmental Factors in Aging

When we look at how gracefully we age, there are sometimes other factors involved that are less controllable such as a sudden illness, the illness of a family member, past overexposure in the sun, past drug use, or prescription medications used to treat a disease or condition just to name a few.

Though we may not be able to do anything about the past, we can do something about the damage that was done to our skin as a result of these types of environmental factors. With the advent of Botox and dermal fillers, fat transfer to the face, stem cell skin therapy, and lasers such as Fraxel, major improvements can be made to the skin where once there was no good solution.

If damage is extensive and irreparable through non-invasive, non-surgical means, a facelift is an excellent option. The standard facelift is available (upper and/or lower) as well as eye lift and neck lift surgery to lift these areas into a more youthful position.

No matter what you decide is right for you, speaking with a facial plastic surgeon is your next step in getting a more youthful look. Feel free to contact us today for a free consultation to see which anti-aging solution is right for you. Our NYC cosmetic surgery office number is (212) 206-0023 and our Long Island plastic surgery office number is (631) 499-1831.

To a More Youthful You,

Dr. Emmanuel Asare

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